Wednesday 26 August 2015

Y6 Assembly - World's Greatest

Hey Year 6,

You have an assembly coming up soon, so let's get learning your song! You'll be performing "World's Greatest" by R Kelly, and it's actually split up so you can learn it faster. Check the lyrics and motions below to remind yourself which parts are yours. Also, this key is a bit lower than we will perform it, but it will be great to help you learn the words.

I am a mountain, (point arms together, legs spread)
I am a tall tree, oh (as tall as you can with arms raised)
I am a swift wind (roll hands and spread right arm out)
Sweeping the country (sweep the floor)

I am a river, (connect fingers and wave arms)
Down in the valley, oh (hands point down and sway side to side)
I am a vision (point at eyes)
And I can see clearly (shade eyes)

If anybody asks you who I am, just stand up tall, look 'em in the face and say

I’m that star up in the sky (point up with finger)
I'm that mountain peak up high (point arms together above head)
Hey I made it, hmm (thumbs up)
I'm the worlds greatest (flex arms)

I'm that little bit of hope (thumb and pointer finger together to show “little”)
When my back's against the ropes (roll arms and lean back)
I can feel it, hmm (open hand beats against chest)
I'm the worlds greatest (flex arms)

I am a giant (stomp foot on giant)
I am an Eagle oh (flying motion)
I am a lion (lion paws)
Down in the jungle (hands wave down, and look around with hand on “jungle)

I am a marching band (march and swing arms)
I am the people oh (spread arms)
I am a helping hand (shake hands with neighbour)
I am a hero (superhero pose)

If anybody asks you who I am, just stand up tall look 'em in the face and say

I’m that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey I made it, hmm
I'm the worlds greatest

I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it, hmm
I'm the worlds greatest

I'm that star up in the sky
I'm that mountain peak up high
Hey I made it
I'm the worlds greatest

I'm that little bit of hope
When my back's against the ropes
I can feel it
I'm the worlds greatest

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